Touch Screen Using Behavior of Elderly User in Bangkok
Main Article Content
The research objective is 1) to study Bangkok province’s elderly people touch screen devices usage behavior, 2) to study the barriers of using technology, 3) to compare the demand of touch screen devices usage by classifying to gender, age, and educationlevel, and to analyze and 4) the relationship between touch screen devices usage and demographic of elderly people. The sample consisted of 399 Bangkok province’s elderly people. The research instrument included questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi Square c2, t-test and One-Way ANOVA on the level of statistical significant .05.
The results of the study revealed that 1) the most respondents were women aged 60-64 years old with lower undergraduate education and the income level is lower than 20,000 baht, 2) the barriers of touch screen devices using were text and iconswere too small,3) The different comparison of demand for touch screen devices using by classifying to gender and education level found that the overall demand was no different, by classifying to age found that various age groups had the demand for Tablet PC using was different and 4) the relationship between touch screen devices usage and demographic of elderly peoplein playing games was puzzle games. In the communication found that Facebook, Line, E-mail depended on age. In the works found that document, E-mail, and Facebook depended on education level.
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