Technology Leadership of School Administrators affects to the administration in Digital Age at The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 2 in Benjawirot district, Thailand

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Natsuda Kesa
Kitthanet Kesa
Benjporn Banpasan
Sirinthorn Sinjindawong


The objectives of this research were 1) To study the level of leadership in information technology of educational institution administrators, 2) To study the results of administration in the digital age of administrators, 3) To study the factors of information technology in educational institute administrators affecting to the digital era management at the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 2 in Benjawirot District. The samples of this were 214 teachers from the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 2 in Benjawirot Distric and they are obtained from the stratified random sampling. The tool is a questionnaire with 5-level of estimation scale and IOC value between 0.6-1.0 and reliability 0.92. This study was analyzed using frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean. Standard deviation and content analysis. The results found that 1. The level of leadership in information technology administrators overall was high 2. The Management results in the digital age of administrators overall was high. 3. The factors of Information technology administrators of school in all fields can predict the outcome of educational administration in the digital era at the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 2 in Benjawirot District statistically significant at the 0.05 level, with the explanation of 30.7%

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