Designing Teaching Profession Curriculum Based on Outcome–Based Education Approach

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Somkiart Intasingh
Kanokwan Angkasith
Priyanee Homsuwan
Pitsanu Rodkomil
Chaiyasit Wiriyachanphrai


Outcome-based education focuses on defining learners' characteristics upon completion of the curriculum to guide faculty members in designing all experiences of particular courses which cover the content, course learning outcomes, learning activities, and measurement and evaluation. The focus also includes learning support which facilitates learners to achieve the program learning outcomes. The current teaching profession curriculum focuses on developing students' competency in order for them to be ready to work in schools with quality. The teaching profession curriculum is still subject to the regulations of the Teachers’ Council of Thailand and specified curriculum standards. Using an outcome-based education approach in curriculum design is an interesting perspective, and it can encourage students to achieve their expected performances. This can occur through the design of the program learning outcomes, course learning outcomes, course content, learning activities, and measurements and assessments which are systematically linked and interrelated to lead to the development of students to achieve the program learning outcomes of the prescribed curriculum.

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