The State and Problems of Participatory Educational Resource Management to Promote Learner’s Careers of Banyangkrok School, Omkoi District, Chiang Mai Province Under the Chiangmai Primary Education Area 5
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The purpose of this research was to study the state and problems of participatory educational resource management to promote learners’ careers of Banyangkrok School. The key informants were 28 people including administrators and teachers in Banyangkrok School, education supervisors, school board, local wisdom teachers. The Questionnaire related to the state and problems of participatory educational resource management to promote learner’s career of Banyangkrok School and the workshop recording sheet were employed as a research instrument. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage and standard deviation, along with content analysis. The study found that there are 4 elements of the current state of participatory educational resource management namely; 1) Personnel management, there was an invitation for the personnel to acknowledge the results of career learning management, and a personel planning in teaching. 2) Budget management, there was a budget allocation plan for career learning which was worthwhile, transparent, and verifiable.3) Materials and equipment administration, there was a survey of the demand for materials and equipment, maintain and repair for damaged ones. 4) Administration, there was an education development plan, vision and action plan focusing on career learning. Moreover, the problems of participatory educational resource management were revealed that 1) regarding the personnel management, there was a lack of personnel with career teaching skills. 2) In terms of budget management, the school had insufficient budget allocation planning for career learning. 3) For, the management of materials and equipment, the certain materials and equipment were insufficient for teaching specific careers. Moreover, there was a lack of continuity in the maintenance of defective equipment. 4) Regarding the administration, there was a lack of assessment result for the improvement and development of further operation.
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