Students’ Opinions toward Education Program in Elementary Education The Far Eastern University

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Aungsaneepon Srikhamsuk
Jatana Muangmoon
Narumon Wuttiprecha
Pimthong Sangsutthipong
Narumon Sayabutra


The purpose of this research were to study: 1) the opinions of students in applying subject knowledge in the primary education curriculum of Far Eastern University. 2) students' opinions on the suitability of the number of subjects and the number of credits in   the primary education curriculum of Far Eastern University. 3) students’ suggestions on the subjects or contents they wanted  to study in elementary education curriculum for teaching and learning Information was collected from 71 alumni and current students from batch 1st to batch 5th who studied at the department of Elementary Education, Far Eastern University. The research tool used was a feedback questionnaire for the alumni and current students which consisted of 3 sections: 1) applying subject knowledge of elementary education curriculum 2) the suitability of the course and number of credits of elementary education curriculum 3)  students’ suggestions on the subjects or content they want to study in elementary education curriculum for teaching and learning. The results showed that the 3 subjects that can be applied in practice the most (professional groups) are 1st in learning management and classroom management, 2nd in innovation and information technology in education, 3rd in learning assessment and evaluation.  The most 3 subjects (Compulsory Majors) that had been studied and can be applied in practice were 1st in Integrated and Integrated Teaching,  2nd in Development and Learning of Primary Students, and 3rd in Learning experience for elementary school students. The students were satisfied with the number of subjects per credits 73.08% and 26.92 percent were too satisfied with the number of subjects per credits.  The course suggestions on the subjects or content students wanted to study were teaching writing on the board skills, increasing computer skills and the use of technology in online teaching and learning in primary education as well as teaching English conversation. Suggestion for improving the curriculum was that the curriculum should be developed in accordance with the current changing times.

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