The Confirmatory Factors Analysis on Country Reputation of Thailand
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The purpose of this research are to 1) examine the confirmatory factors analysis in country reputation of Thailand. 2) To evaluate the alignment of the model with the characteristics of Thailand's reputation. The quantitative research were consisted of 800 respondents are Thai residences in 9 provinces by cluster sampling from 4 religions such as: Chiangmai, Lampang, Ubon Ratchathani, Nakhon Phanom, Phitsanulok, Pathum Thani, Surat Thani, Krabi and Bangkok by especially area. The questionnaire alpha coefficients ranged from 0.824-0.936. Descriptive statistics were analyzed by social science statistics while confirmatory and factor analysis and structural equation model were analyzed by LISREL. The results were as follows: the country reputation of Thailand overall is at moderate level. The social appeal element has highest mean at a high level. Next is the physical appeal element at a high level. The developed model fitted the empirical data by (x2 =591.78; df=220; P-value=0.00; RMSEA=0.044; RMR=0.034; SRMR=0.040; GFI=0.96; CFI=1.00. The elements that can indicate the country reputation of Thailand the most are: the leader appeal element at 98 percent (R2=0.98, b=0.92). Next is the social appeal element at 97 percent (R2=0.97, b=1.03). The third is safety appeal element at 87 (R2=0.87, b=0.96).
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