Development of Guidance Activities Set to Enhance Adversity Quotient of Abandoned Children and Youth in KhoKha Sub-District Municipality, Khokha District, Lampang Province

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Wimwipa Boonklin
Suthida Phonchumni
Wisathorn Thanukit


This research was quasi experimental research had the objectives to 1) develop guidance activities set to enhance adversity quotient of abandoned children and youth and      2) study the results of using activities set to enhance adversity quotient of abandoned children and youth. The sample consisted of 20 people who involved with abandoned children and youth and 30 abandoned children and youth in Khokha sub-district municipality selected by purposive sampling. The instruments consisted of guidance activities set and the adversity quotient of abandoned children and youth assessment form. The statistics used for data analysis were mean and standard deviation. The research finding concluded 1) development of guidance activities set to enhance adversity quotient of abandoned children and youth consisted of 6 activities namely help each other bound together, past present and future tree, well-planned no mistakes, pleasant community cute youth, survivor on the island and optimism and happy life, each activity takes 2 hours. The quality assessment of the guidance activities set by the experts was at the highest level (gif.latex?\bar{x} =4.64, S.D.=0.51) and 2) the adversity quotient before participating in the activities, the average was at a moderate level (gif.latex?\bar{x} =3.23, S.D.=0.71) and after participating in the activities, the average was at a high level (gif.latex?\bar{x} =4.07, S.D.=0.76)

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