Conditions and Problems of Academic Administration According to The Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy of Na Kor Ruea School Subdistrict, Hot District, Chiang Mai Province
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This research on Conditions Problems of Academic Administration According to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of Na Kor Rua School Subdistrict, Hot District, Chiang Mai Province. The objective to study the state and problems of academic administration according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy of Na Kor Ruea School Subdistrict, Hot District, Chiang Mai Province. The population used in this study was 15 people. The research tool was a questionnaire. Statistics used to analyze data, frequency and percentage values. The results showed that, Most of the respondents were female, 10 people. Most of the respondent positions were teachers, 14 people. Work experience in each age group has the same number of 5 people per age range. The overall condition and problems of academic administration according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of Na Kor Ruea School Subdistrict, Hot District, Chiang Mai Province were at a high level. (μ = 4.26, σ = 0.680) The average values are ordered from the most to the least, namely measurement and evaluation. Learning management process curriculum development and curriculum administration and internal supervision, respectively. This made them aware of the guidelines for academic administration according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in order to apply them in solving problems that matched the conditions and problems of further educational institutes.
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