Personnel Administration for Classroom Research Skills Enhancement of Sankamphaeng Technical College
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The research aimed to investigate the current and the desirable state of personnel administration of personnel management to enhance classroom research skills in the Sankamphaeng Technical College. The population was a total of 29 people. The research instrument used in this research was a questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using percentage, average, and standard deviation. From the research results, the current and the desirable state of personnel administration of personnel management to enhance research skills in the classroom of Sankamphaeng Technical College. The overall average was at a high level as sub-clauses, namely, 1) the characteristics of research abilities, with the average opinions at a high level 2) Personnel management have average opinions is at a high level 3) Knowledge, competency, research, with the average opinion at a high level and 4) In terms of skills and competencies in research, the average opinions at a high level. Therefore, problems in personnel management to enhance classroom research skills at Sankamphaeng Technical College, Extension guidelines on this research to set a policy and develop both short term and long-term planning. To organized activities, environment and materials another that, to create research atmosphere. Furthermore, invite experts and supervision internal to solve the problems for researcher, for develop and learning by using research principles to improve the quality of education to be more effective.
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