The Developing Experience Provision using Home and School Learning Activity Package to Promote Fine Motor Abilities for Young Children
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The objectives of this study were to design and develop learning experience plans by using educational activities to do at home and school to promote the ability to use fine motor skills of preschool children and to compare the ability to use fine motor skills between before and after being organized learning experiences by using them. The samples of this research were 19 preschool children (13 males, 6 females) studying in kindergarten 1/2, academic year 2566, Anuban Chiangkhong school, Wiang, Chiangkhong, Chiang Rai, Chiang Rai Primary Educational Service Area Office 4. The samples of this research were selected by using Cluster Random Sampling. The research instruments were 1. Learning experience plans using educational activities to do at home and school to promote the ability to use fine motor skills of preschool children, (Situational pre-test - post-test) and 2. Fine motor skills assessment forms for 3 to 4 year – old - preschool children. Data were analyzed using E1/E2 and T-test. The result found that the educational activities done at home and school to promote the ability to use fine motor skills of preschool children had the efficiency criteria (E1/E2) at 84.62/94.74. Moreover, the ability to use fine motor skills after being organized learning experience by using the educational activities to do at home and school was higher than before using them and the significance level was 0.01.
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