The Exploration of Narratives and Heritage Interpretation in Chiangmai for the Development of Her Highness Princess Dara Rasmi Cultural Tourism

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Thanya Lunchaprasith
Nethchanok Riddhagni


The purpose of this article is to 1) analyze the narrative and the interpretation of Princess Dara Rasmi in historical tourist attractions in Chiang Mai related to the Princess or related to Her royal family, and 2) propose guidelines for the development of Princess Dara Rasmi cultural tourism. Field research is conducted to collect the data, which were then processed by the “thematic analysis” method. The findings reveal that the attractions provide information about the princess from many perspectives, including her biography, her works, her private life, her lineage, and her venerable status. A variety of strategies are used in the interpretation process including banner explanations, images, models, and videos. It can be concluded that the narrative of the princess is communicated in the city’s cultural heritage tourism attractions. However, the city should introduce more varieties of cultural tourism activities and have a concrete plan to communicate the new category of tourism to the public. Moreover, collaboration with the related stakeholders is helpful to maximize the development of this special interest tourism.

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