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The objectives of this study include: 1) to study the level ofbehavior executive emphasizing on the work aspect2) to study the level of behavior executive emphasizing on the relationship aspect. 3)to compare the differences of the level of behavior executive emphasizing on the work aspect separate by age and the education. 4) tocompare the differences of the level of behavior executive
emphasizing on the relationship aspect separate by age and the education.
The sampling size was calculated by Taro Yamane’s formula with a confidence level of 95%. There were 68 participants used as a sampling group and were selected by using a Simple Random Sampling. A questionnaire was used as the research instrument in this study. Statistics used to analyze data included frequency, percentage, mean, standarddeviation, In addition to test the hypothesis by analyzing the data to compare between dependent and independent variables, t-test and One - Way ANOVA were used. The significant difference was set at 0.05. The results revealed that in the overall picture, it was found that:
The sample group rated the level of behavior executive emphasizing on the work aspect at the high level.The sample group rated the level of behavior executive emphasizing on the relationship aspect work aspect at the high level.
The research found that, the Executive of the Local Administrative Organizationwho have different age and the education have different of behavior emphasizing on the work aspect, the Executive of the Local Administrative Organizationwho have different age have different of behavior emphasizing on the relationship aspect, the Executive of the Local Administrative Organizationwho have different the education have not different of behavior emphasizing on the relationship aspect.
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