Factors and Intentions Affecting the Behavior of the Patients Receiving Acupuncture in Nakornping Hospital, Chiang Mai Province
Main Article Content
The purposes of this study aimed to explore the 1) relationships of the patients’ intention on their acupuncture-taking behaviors 2) relationships of attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral controls on their acupuncture-taking behaviors 3) relationships of demographic, clinical, and other factors affecting the patients’ acupuncture-taking behaviors. This study based on the cross-sectional descriptive studies. The samples were all the patients who were acupuncture. These included 190 patients taking their one-stop acupuncture services, and 120 patients taking their non-one-stop acupuncture services by 2 - independent mean and estimated Cohen's effect size with the sample size, used in this study was a questionnaire. At last, descriptive and logistic regression statistics were both used to analyze the data.
The results of the study revealed that 1) intention it showed that the patients intentions of taking their acupuncture services in relations with its significant difference of (p < 0.001) 2) attitude and perceived behavioral controls, it showed that the patients’ intentions of taking their acupuncture services in relations to their attitudes and perceived behavioral control, with its significant difference of (p - value < 0.001), were rated at a moderate level, meanwhile their intentions of taking acupuncture in comparison with the subjective norms, with its significant difference of (p - value < 0.05) was rated at a low level 3) demographic, clinical, and other factors, as well as their intention, it was revealed that factors statistically significant associated with acupuncture-taking behaviors were non-government employees/state enterprise employees, prior experiences in taking acupunctures, no healthcare takers, reasonable prices, and good intentions of taking acupunctures (p - value < 0.05).
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