Civic Education Content Analysis in Civil Duties and Moral Textbooks for Vocational Certificate Students

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กัมปนาท คำอินบุตร
จารุณี มณีกุล
ชรินทร์ มั่งคั่ง


The purposes of this research were (1) to analyze the content of civic education in Civil Duties and Moral Textbooks (2) to compare the content of civic education in each textbook and (3) to analyze the content and to compare it to the morals vocational certificate curriculum. The data sources were 14 Civil Duties and Moral Textbooks from various publishers. The samples were 5 textbooks; selected by purposive sampling. The research instruments were (1) the civic education content analyzing in Civil Duties and Moral Textbooks form (2) the interview form for interview author of Civil Duties and Moral textbook about civic education content. Data were analyzed using frequency and percentage. The results revealed that (1) the civic education content covered 6 analyzed issues in textbooks; the most purpose had to instruct good citizens in social responsibility issue was at 29.78% (2) the comparison of the content of civic education in each textbook found that there had the most content about social responsibility was at 29.78% and different acceptance content was at lowest, 5.33%. The content of civic education in Civil Duties and Moral Textbooks of the third publisher in the overall had the most details of civic education 26.89%. The content of civic education in Civil Duties and Moral Textbooks of the second publisher has the least details of civic education 14% and (3) The content of civic education in each textbook related to the purpose of the morals vocational certificate curriculum is in all aspects with 100%.

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