Development of Vocational Certificate of Arts Magnet Program for Thaivichitsilp Technological College
Magnet Program , Fine Arts Curriculum , Participatory ResearchAbstract
Magnet Program is curriculum innovation that emphasizes to improve students’ knowledge and special expertise. In order to generate preparation for career path or study at a higher level in specialized fields. The purpose of this research was to develop Arts Magnet Program of Vocational Certificate for Thaivichitsilp Technological College, including collected and synthesised learning resources that involved in subjects of Arts Magnet Program.
This research was participatory research of Thaivichitsilp Technological College teachers and evaluated appropriateness by specialists. The results of study were Arts Magnet Program and learning resources bank that conformed to 2013 Curriculum for the Certificate of Vocational Education by Office of the Vocational Education Commission. The Program focused on knowledge learned and skills trained intensively. Curriculum consisted of subjects that trained specific skills. Courses description identified learning objective, scope of study and learning task. In parts of learning resources bank in this curriculum consisted of digital media learning document bank in the field of Fine Arts.
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