Effect of Self-Management Program in Breathing Exercise and Al-Quran Listening on Blood Pressure in Muslims with Uncontrolled Hypertension


  • นิลาตีฟะห์ นิมอ, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์
  • อาภรณ์ทิพย์ อุษณีย์, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์
  • อุษณีย์ เพชรรัชตะชาติ, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์


Self-management, Breathing exercise, Al-Quran listening, Hypertension


This research and Development (R&D) study. Applying the concept self-management theory of Kanfer and Gaelick-Buys (1991). Integrate the Al-Quran with breathing exercise. Using the Iowa development process, adapted by Titler et al (Titler, Kleiber, Steelman, Rakel, Budreau, & Everett, 2001). The study was divided into 2 phases, namely 1) the program development included understanding the problem, review of related research evidences and organizing the program integrates faith in the Al-Quran, and 2) program evaluation and feasibility of implementing the program. Program evaluation by 3 experts and program evaluation and feasibility of implementing the program by professional nurses for chronic non-communicable disease clinics of primary care 5 persons.

            Self-management program in breathing exercise and Al-Quran listening on blood pressure in Muslims with uncontrolled hypertension comprised 4 parts: 1) guidelines for users program; 2) action plan for users program included 5 sub-activities, 4 activities; 3) Manuals and recordings program; 4) media, including reading and copying of Al-Quran, Yaseen. The program validation revealed 1) content was accurate, appropriate, clear and according with the objectives of the program. 2) Suggestions adding details of the environmental 3) Improve the record is more clear. Program evaluation and feasibility of implementing the program and all nurses 1) program were revealed content, satisfied with using program. 2) Manuals and recordings for self-management program were academically appropriate. 3) Interesting pictures and appropriate language were used. 4) It is recommended to add reading of Al-Quran, Yaseen in Manuals and recordings.


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