Factors affecting for QR Code payment system acceptance of Mont Nom Sod Shop (Chiang Mai Branch)


  • ชำนาญ เงินดี, 6852279 นักวิชาการอิสระ
  • หทัยชนก วนิศรกุล, 6852279 นักวิชาการอิสระ


acceptance, payment system, Quick Response Code (QR code), Mont Nom Sod


The purpose of Factors affecting for QR Code payment system acceptance of Mont Nom Sod Shop (Chiang Mai Branch) was mainly to study factors affecting for QR code payment system acceptance of Mont Nom Sod Shop (Chiang Mai Branch). Research methodology was quantitative method by using questionnaire 500 respondents from customers of Mont Nom Sod Shop (Chiang Mai Branch). Research findings were factors affecting for QR Code payment system acceptance of Mont Nom Sod Shop (Chiang Mai Branch) consist of Perceived ease of use (PEOU), Perceived usefulness (PU), Convenient, fast and save time (CFST), and Attitude toward QR code (ATQC) to achieve the potential and convenient for customers to use payment system include external factors such as gender, age, education, occupation, average income, and know QR Code.


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