Comprehensive quality of education on performance of Islamic education teachers In Government Primary Schools, Yala province - Southern Thailand A Statistical Study

Comprehensive quality of education on performance of Islamic education teachers In Government Primary Schools, Yala province - Southern Thailand A Statistical Study


  • أنوار داتو Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (Unisza)
  • روسلن عبد الرحمن Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (Unisza)


يهدف البحث إلى التعرف على مدى جودة التعليم الشاملة في أداء معلِّمي التربية الإسلامية لدى المدارس الابتدائية الحكومية بولاية جالا - جنوب تايلاند، وفق وجهات نظر المشرفين على العمليَّة التَّعليميَّة في ضوء المعايير والمؤشرات المطابقة للمواصفات القياسيَّة.



Statistical data is an effective planning and guiding tool for the purpose of development towards the comprehensive educational quality in primary schools that are competing in applying their standards. In this research, the researcher has taken the analytical method. Where the research aims to identify the quality of comprehensive education on performance of Islamic education teachers in government primary schools Yala province - southern Thailand, according to the views of supervisors on educational process in criteria and indicators conforming to standard specifications. The research concluded the following :  Obtaining a criterion of teacher proficiency in belief and morals on a (high) degree to importance of Islamic education teacher is being a good example for students at this level classes, Including he was satisfied with himself to teaching Islamic religion students, correctly, that was claimed him to distinguished with these qualities of faith and morals, Which contributes to advancement of its performance, quality and mastery, as required;  Whereas, education teacher and its preparation are well-founded and should be based on a set of religious, personal, social, ethical, mental, scientific and professional ethics. In addition, the strongest attitudes available to Islamic education teachers were towards Islamic creation and were generally high. 


مراجع البحث:
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- العلي، ريم بنت عبد العزيز محمد. (1427). تقويم معلمات العلوم الشرعية في المرحلة الموسطة في ضوء المعايير المقترحة لجودة الأداء التدريس، جامعة الملك سعود، كلية التربية، رسالة ماجستير غير منشورة.


