Market Capitalization of Deep South Durians: A Study of Local Enterprise Management Strategies for Batoo Puteh (Than To) Durian Quality Improvement
strategy, durian, local enterpriseAbstract
This study was aimed at investigating the management strategies of the Batoo Puteh (Than To) Durian Local Enterprise for product quality improvement. It focused on three domains: (1) the enterprise structure, (2) membership management, and (3) development plan management. The findings indicated the following.
The structure of the Batoo Puteh (Than To) Durian Local Enterprise was based on shura (consultation) for management improvement, in the process of which, the leader and the consultation pattern were determined. Naseehat (advice) was a device to strengthen the members’ relationship so that the enterprise’s intention could be transferred to next generations. Muhasabah (retrospection) was the other device for members to continuously practice self-assessment and self-improvement for loss and damage prevention.
The enterprise membership applied the concept of Islamic Murabbi (mentorship). Senior members mentored new ones by sharing their successful experience and monitoring their work to comply with the standard. Halagoh (group study) was a device to stimulate new members’ engagement in transferring knowledge and creating innovations for all members.
The enterprise’s development plan management was directed under the vision “maintaining quality, expanding membership, strengthening team”. Its success was indicated by team leader’s mentoring capability, members’ continuation of product distribution, and team capability to create image and collaboration with the public sector and trading partners. To reach such achievement indicators, there were four strategies including leadership development for membership expansion, member relationship creation, database and management development, and boost to enterprise image and management.
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