The development of learning achievement by teaching package On Local food processing Food Processing Course For Grade 5 students at Thungyang Daeng Pittayakhom School Pattani Province


  • อาหะมะ ดือราแม็ง มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏยะลา


การพัฒนาผลสัมฤทธิ์, ชุดการสอน, การแปรรูปอาหารในท้องถิ่น, Achievement development, instruction set,, local food processing, Achievement developmen instruction sett


This research aimed to 1) study the efficiency of an instructional package on local food processing in Food Processing Course for grade 5 Students, Thungyangdaeng Pittayakom School, Pattani Province. The package was designed with the efficiency in compliance with the 80/80 benchmark. 2) It also aimed to compare learning achievements between pre- and post-instructional package on local food processing in Food Processing Course for grade 5 Students, Thungyangdaeng Pittayakom School, Pattani Province; and to 3) study student satisfaction toward the    instructional package on local food processing in Food Processing Course for grade 5 Students, Thungyangdaeng Pittayakom School, Pattani Province. The samples included 16 grade 5 students in Semester 1 of 2020 at Thungyangdaeng Pittayakom School, Thungyangdaeng District, Pattani Province, under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 5. The samples were obtained by simple random sampling. The instruments included 1) the instructional package on local food processing in Food Processing Course, 2) a learning management plan on local food processing in Food Processing Course, 3) a learning achievement test on local food processing in Food Processing Course, and 4) a questionnaire on student satisfaction toward the instructional package on local food processing. The statistics for data analysis included percentage, mean, SD, and t-test. 

The findings revealed as follows.

  1. The instructional package on local food processing in Food Processing Course for grade 5 Students, Thungyangdaeng Pittayakom School, Pattani Province, had overall efficiency of E1/E2 = 83.25/89.5,higher than the 80/80 benchmark.
  2. Grade 5 students had higher learning achievement in the post- instructional package than in the pre- instructional package, with the significance level of .05.
  3. Overall, grade 5 students had high satisfaction toward the instructional package on local food processing in Food Processing Course for grade 5 Students, Thungyangdaeng Pittayakom School, Pattani Province.


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