The role of Dakwah Islamiyah of Fatoni University in creating a peaceful society

Keywords : Role of Dakwah, Fatoni University, Society, Peace


  • mahamasorreh yueroh -


คำสำคัญ: บทบาท การดะวะฮฺ มหาวิทยาลัยฟาฏอนี สังคม สันติภาพ



This research aims to To study the role of Dakwah Islamiyah of Fatoni University in creating a peaceful society  This research is a qualitative research that combines document research and field research  Study the documents interview the relevant parties to confirm the information have been observed There is a focus group to validate the accuracy of data collected and recorded from individual documents and drill-through queries The results of the study found that The role of the Dakwah Islamiyah of Fatoni University in bringing peace to society by raising the consciousness of pure love and compassion towards the individual Create a peace society based on faith and knowledge Individual, family, social and global peace In which Fatoni University has created global peace through raising awareness among the world community of being one nation through the creation of a network of peace-building organizations Establish a charitable organization Elect the President of the University Council The university opened a course to conduct Dakwah in the path of peace Service to the community by establishing the Islamic Sciences for Communities Project (Majlis Ilmi) Publishing books on Islam and peace Joining the Religious Relations of Thailand Established the Assalaam Institute and established the Muslim Women Organization for Peace Cooperation Council (MWOPC C)



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