Roles of organizational administrators in promoting Learning management of teachers according to the basic Educational institution curriculum in secondary schools Narathiwat province : a case study of attarkiyah islamiyah SchoolService Area Office 1


  • ahama jehma -
  • สันติ เกาะกาวี มหาวิทยาลัยฟาฏอนี


role, promoting learning management, Attarqiyah Islamiyah School


This research has three objectives: (1) to study the role of organizational administrators in promoting the teacher learning management according to the basic educational institution curriculum in secondary schools, (2) To study the factors of roles of organizational administrators in promoting learning management of teachers according to the basic educational institution curriculum in secondary schools. (3) To study problems and suggestions for roles of organizational administrators in promoting learning management of Teachers according to the basic educational institution curriculum in secondary schools The sample group of 275 people in this research used purposive sampling.

  1. Roles of organizational administrators in promoting learning management of teachers according to the basic educational institution curriculum in secondary schools. Narathiwat Province, case studies of Attarakiyah Islamiyah School in all 7 areas, overall in the middle level with a mean of 2.50 when sorted in descending order of mean score as follows: The teachers' learning management policies and plans had an average of 3.72, and the teachers' development promotion had an average of 3.47, in the supervision and supervision of the teachers' learning management, the mean of 3.43. The average of teachers was 3.43, in the organization of facilities to promote the teaching of teachers, the average was 3.42, the reward and teacher reinforcement had an average of 3.12 and in the budget allocation and management funding. Teacher learning was an average of 3.30. 2. The results of the hypothesis testing of the role of organizational administrators in promoting the teacher learning management according to the basic educational institution curriculum in secondary schools Narathiwat Province Overall and each aspect is different. 3. Executives and educational personnel still lack of understanding lack of communication with each other As a result, the development of the education system, the potential and teaching of teachers cannot be continually developed.


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