The Development of Localized Instructional Media on English Grammar for Enhancing Grammatical Achievement of Students in Yala Province


  • Farah Sulaiman Yala Rajabhat University


Keywords: instructional media on English grammar, localization of content, grammatical ability


The purpose of this study were to develop localized instructional media for English grammar teaching from English teachers’ information explored, to compare students’ grammatical ability before and after studying with the developed instructional media and to evaluate the satisfaction of teachers and students’ toward the localized instructional media. 20 English language teachers of Primary 4 level and 30 Primary 4 level students were purposively selected as samples of the study. The instruments used were a focus group discussion record, 3 localized instructional media on English grammar, pre-post tests on English grammatical abilities and questionnaires on teachers’ and students’ satisfaction. The data were analyzed by using mean scores, standard deviation and t-test. The results of the study revealed that problems in teaching grammar in Primary 4 level classrooms were caused from students, teachers and instructional media. Teachers preferred touchable, attractive, and localized instructional media on food, animals, dressing, places and daily routines. The efficiency of the localized instructional media on English grammar was at 81.60/81.16. The achievement scores on of the student’s after utilizing the media were higher with the statistical significance at .01. The students’ and teachers’ satisfactions were at highest and high level.

Keywords: instructional media on English grammar, localization of content, grammatical ability



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