Achievement of Using Skills Exercises Brain Based Learning on Spelling writing Skill Irregularly-Spelled Thai Words of Students in Fourth Grade Phatthalung Primary Educational Service Area Office 1


  • Kanyarat Noodoung student
  • Prapas Panjiang


spelling skills, skill practice, Brain Based Learning (BBL)


This research was study about achievement of using skills exercises brain based learning on spelling writing skill Irregularly-spelled Thai words of students in fourth grade Phatthalung Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. The objectives of this research were 1) to compare achievement of using skills exercises brain based learning on spelling writig skill Irregularly-spelled Thai words of students in fourth grade before and after study, 2) to study satisfaction of students in fourth grade toward using skills exercises brain based learning. The sample group was 34 students in fourth grade semester in 2022 of Banprangmoo (Sriwitsuksa) school and Watkogchagie school. This research is a
quasi-experimental research. The research instrument are 1) lesson plan. 2) skills exercises. 3) The test of using skills exercises and 4) the satisfaction survey. The statistic used to analyze the data were percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test. The result showed 1) The achievement of using skills exercises on spelling writing skill Irregularly-spelled Thai words after studied was significantly higher than before at the .001 level. 2) The students satisfaction toward using skills exercises on spelling writing skill Irregularly-spelled Thai words of students in fourth grade for overall and each level are at high level.

Author Biography

Kanyarat Noodoung, student

Achievement of using skills exercises Brain Based Learning on spelling writing skill Irregularly-Spelled Thai Words of students in Fourth Grade Phatthalung Primary Educational Service Area Office 1

Kanyarat  Noodoung* Prapas  Panjiang**

*Graduate student Department of Master of Education Faculty of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education and Liberal Arts, Hat Yai University.

**Ph.D. (Psychology), Asst. Prof. Dr., Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education and Liberal Arts, Hat Yai University.


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