Academic Leadership of School Administrators and the Effectiveness of Educational Schools under the Pattani Primary Education Service Area Office


  • Aina Chintra -
  • Jarunee Kao-ian
  • Phimpawee Suwanno


School Administrators, Academic Leadership, School effectiveness


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the level of academic leadership of school administrators, 2) to examine the effectiveness of educational Schools, 3) to compare the academic leadership of school administrators classified by gender, position, work experience and school size, 4) to compare the effectiveness of educational Schools classified by gender, position, work experience and school size, 5) to study the relationship between academic leadership of school administrators with the effectiveness of educational Schools and, 6) to process the recommendations of academic leadership of school administrators and school effectiveness. The sample group was 365 school administrators and teachers from Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office in Academic year 2022 who were obtained by using cluster random sampling and then simple random sampling by using a non-returnable draw. The research tool was a questionnaire. Statistics used were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-testand Pearson's correlation coefficient.

The results showed that 1) Overall, academic leadership of school administrators was at a high level.2) School effectiveness is overall at a high level. 3) To compare the academic leadership of school administrators classified by gender and work experience, overall, was not different. In terms of location and size of educational schools, it was significantly different at the .01 level.4) Comparing the effectiveness of educational Schools classified by gender and work experience, overall, was not different. However, location and size of educational schools were statistically significant differences at the .01 and .05 levels respectively. 5) The relationship between academic leadership of school administrators and school effectiveness, overall, was a high positive correlation were statistically significant at the .01 6) Recommendations on academic leadership of school administrators and school effectiveness, Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office, are that educational institute administrators should define vision and missions of educational institutes with clear goals by emphasizing more on academics than other areas and should give importance towards promoting a learning atmosphere with the qualified media that actually works. Suggestions regarding the effectiveness of educational institutions under the Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office Administrators should have the ability to manage problems within the educational institution. Developing students to have a positive attitude because it is very important to living life.


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