The School Administrator’s Skill in 21st Century and The Performance According to the Teaching Professional Standard of Teachers under the Narathiwat Primary Educational Service Area Office 1


  • Nurmee U-mae -
  • Jorunee Kao-ian
  • Nittaya Ruangpan
  • Suhairee Berngacha


The School Administrator’s Skill in 21st Century, The Performance According to the Teaching Professional Standard of Teachers


The purposes of this research were; 1) to study the school administrator’s skill in 21st century and the performance according to the teaching professional standard of teachers    2) to compare the school administrator’s skill in 21st century and the performance according to the teaching professional standard of teachers classified by genders, work experiences and school sizes 3) to study the relationship between the school administrator’s skill in 21st century and the performance according to the teaching professional standard of teachers and 4) to collect recommendations on school administrator skills in the 21st century and performance according to professional standard criteria. The sample group were 333 school administrators and teachers. a simple random sampling. The tool was a questionnaire. The statistics used in this research were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation T-test, F-test, when differences were found, the Scheffe's Method and Pearson's correlation coefficient were adopted.

The results showed that; 1) the level of the school administrator’s skill in 21st century and the performance according to the teaching professional standard of teachers were at a high level. 2) a comparison of the school administrator’s skill in 21st century, there is no difference except work experiences, each aspect was significantly different at the .01 level and a comparison of the performance according to the teaching professional standard of teachers, there is no difference. except work experiences, each aspect significantly different at the .01 level. The size of school in each aspect were significantly different at the .05 level. 3) The relationship between the school administrator’s skill in 21st century and the performance according to the teaching professional standard of teachers had a positive relationship with statistical significance at the .01 level with high level of relationships in all aspects. And 4) Recommendations were school administrators must demonstrate their ability to create good interactions, implement policies, focus, visions, apply various technologies for administration and be able to communicate, convey information, effectively solve problems that arise in educational institutions. Teachers must be committed to developing learners, planning and analyzing school curriculum as well as collaborate with parents to develop and solve students' problems as best as possible.


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