Application of competencies model for expatriates in the Eastern Economic Corridor zone


  • Preedaporn Araksomboon -
  • Nuttapol Buapliansee




The purpose of this research was to study the application of  competencies model for expatriates in the Eastern Economic Corridor Zone. This research used a qualitative research methodology. By using    in-depth interviews and focus group, use semi-structured interviews with key informants. Which selected a purposive sample from the executives of the human resources department expatriates of international business in the Eastern Economic Corridor Zone and academics in human resources total of 30 peoples. The research results showed that defining competencies for expatriates can be summarized into 2 large competencies, consisting of 1) management competencies, including knowledge and skills, and 2) personal competencies, including attitudes, values, and opinions about one's own image. personal personality and intrinsic motivation or drive It is suggested that international business should be formulated as a policy or strategy for developing competency in a clear, systematic manner and lead to concrete implementation.   A system of knowledge management mechanisms for competency development should be built. The competency development model for expatriates should be used as a conceptual framework and a competency development curriculum should be developed, including management competencies. and personal performance for expatriates stationed in Thailand to be ready and able to adapt to work in Thailand faster. It was also discovered that this competency model can be applied to expatriates in a business-appropriate context. This will lead to driving the business internationally.


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