The Development of Electronic English Storybooks in Local Contexts to Enhance English Reading Skills for Prathomsuksa 4 Students at Demonstration School of Yala Rajabhat University
Electronic English Storybooks, Local ContextsAbstract
This research aims: 1) to develop and test the efficiency of electronic English storybooks in local contexts to enhance English reading skills for Prathomsuksa 4 students at Demonstration School of Yala Rajabhat University 2) to compare the achievement of students’ English reading skills before and after using electronic English storybooks in local contexts and 3) to evaluate the students’ satisfaction of electronic English storybooks in local contexts to enhance English reading skills. The target group included 29 Prathomsuksa 4 students at Demonstration School of Yala Rajabhat University in the first semester of academic year 2022. The instruments used in this study were 1) 5 electronic English storybooks in local contexts 2) pre- and post-tests on English reading skills and 3) questionnaires on students’ satisfaction of electronic English storybooks in local contexts to enhance English reading skills. The data were analyzed by using percentage, t-test, mean scores and standard deviation. The findings show that 1) the efficiency of electronic English storybooks in local contexts was at 81.41/83.72 higher than the required criterion at 80/80. 2) The students' achievement of English reading skills after using electronic English storybooks in local contexts was significantly higher than before using the electronic English storybooks in local contexts at 0.01 level. Moreover, 3) the students’ satisfaction of electronic English storybooks in local contexts to enhance English reading skills was at a very high level (Mean = 4.65).
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