การพัฒนาทักษะการเคลื่อนไหวโดยใช้โปรแกรมการฝึกการทำงานร่วมกันของระบบประสาทและกล้ามเนื้อของนักเรียนระดับชั้นประถมศึกษาตอนต้น ในจังหวัดภาคใต้ชายแดน


  • Thiradanai Sarapee -


Motor Ability, Co-ordination



               This research is an experimental research The objective is Development Motor Ability by              Co-ordination Program of Elementary School Students in Southern Border Provinces to compare motor ability before and after training using Co-ordination  Program of Elementary School Students in  Southern Border who have been trained with exercise. training programs and to compare motor ability of Elementary School Students between using Co-ordination  Program of Elementary School Students with students doing movement activities in the physical education class. The samples used in the research is an elementary school student Age between 7-9 years studying in Grade 2, Semester 2, Academic Year 2021 Second semester, academic year 2021, Muang Pattani School, Muang District, Pattani Province. a total of 36 people with a simple random sampling. They were divided into a control group of 18 people and an experimental group of 18 people. The research tools are Co-ordination Program.  A standard statistical test of physical fitness ability used to analyze the data including mean, percentage, standard deviation and t-test dependent. The research found that.               1. Development Motor Ability by Co-ordination Program of Elementary School Students in  Southern Border Provinces on the development of motor ability,  principles for motor ability, core exercises for children and Development Motor Ability by Co-ordination The experts assessed activities that focus on the interaction of the Co-ordination eye-hand, eye-foot               2. Comparative results of motor ability before and after training using by Co-ordination Program of Elementary School Students in Southern Border Provinces that has been trained with exercise programs It was found that male students who practiced using Co-ordination Program (experimental group) Average flexibility of motor ability (Sit and Reach), agility (Shuttle Run)‎, strength (Standing Board Jump), Muscular endurance (30-Second Sit-ups), and speed (50-Meter Sprint) in all items, a statistically significant difference was found at the .05 level for female students, it was found that motor ability in all items were statistically significantly different at the .05 level               3. Comparison results motor ability of elementary school students between students who use development motor ability by Co-ordination Program with students doing movement activities in the normal physical education class it was found that the back motor ability to be trained of male students Male students performing movement activities in normal physical education classes (control group) and male students who practiced using Co-ordination Program (experimental group) There is an average of each item flexibility (Sit and Reach), strength (Standing Board Jump), and Muscular endurance (30-Second Sit-ups) no statistically significant difference was found at the .05 level. Except agility (Shuttle Run)‎, and speed (50-Meter Sprint) that found a statistically significant difference at the .05 level. For the female students in both groups, there was an average of the motor ability in each item strength (Standing Board Jump), and Muscular endurance (30-Second Sit-up) and agility (Shuttle Run) no statistically significant difference was found at the .05 level, except for speed (50-Meter Sprint).  For female students, it was found that the movement skills after of exercise training showed no significant difference in movement skills at the .05 level in all items. 



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