Embracing New Challenges: Thai Reading Assessment in the 21st Century for Socio-Cultural Contexts in Thailand's Deep South


  • Abdunkhonee Jehsoh
  • Ismail Raob
  • Sa-ad Asae
  • Arfan Hasimae มหาวิทยาลัยฟาฏอนี


Evaluation21st Century Learning Multicultural Society


The objective of this article is to explore the issues, necessities, and requirements for the development of assessment tools for learning outcomes measurement in the 21st century, within the context of the multicultural society of the southern border region. Through the study, it has been found that the southern border provinces exhibit diverse cultures, languages, and religions. Challenges related to Thai language proficiency and the assessment of learning outcomes in this region should be addressed by emphasizing the alignment with the local context and addressing issues stemming from the unrest situation that impacts learning. Key considerations for the development of learning assessment tools in the 21st century within the multicultural society of the southern border region include: contextual socio-cultural information, learning in the 21st century, foundational competency-based curricula, content integration, utilizing technology for convenient and rapid assessment, and embracing new assessment frameworks such as the PISA framework, which emphasizes advanced reading and thinking skills.


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