Developing a platform-based online instructional management for enhancing competence in young entrepreneurs


  • Abdul-Asit Hayeekhade -
  • Jaruwat Songmuang


Little Entrepreneurship, Phenomenon-Based Learning, Online Platform


              The objectives of this study were to 1) study the need for developing learning management through online platforms, 2) develop learning management through online learning platforms, and 3) evaluate the competencies of young entrepreneurs in learning through online platforms. The target was a group of 63 junior high school students in the academic year 2021, Ban Kato school, Panare Subdistrict, Panare District, Pattani Province. The findings were as follows: 1) the school had a need and readiness for developing learning activities to improve the students' entrepreneurial competencies, which align with the context of the students, the community need, and the school's focus on competency-based curriculum; 2) the efficiency value (E1/E2) of the online young entrepreneurial course was 80.85/82.62, and the pre-and post-learning achievements were significantly different at 0.05. The content of the course covered five learning management plans- 1) Self-awareness,
2) Market analysis, 3) Digital marketing tools, 4) Marketing operations, and 5) Marketing measurement and evaluation, to enhance the students' entrepreneurial competencies through online platforms according to the phenomenon-based learning management approach. The overall competency of the young entrepreneurs was at the highest level, with an average of 4.72. The performance in terms of competitiveness was at the highest mean - 4.76, followed by other entrepreneurial skills - independence in management, innovation creation, proactive working, and taking risks with mean values of 4.73, 4.71, 4.69, and 4.68, respectively.


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