

  • Thichakorn Jinda Faculty of Islamic Studies and Laws, Fatoni University
  • Sarfee Ardam


Public mind, Islamic principle, Muslims



          This article is a documentary study. Its objectives are; 1) to study the theoretical definition regarding public mind, and 2) to analytically study the application of the public mind based on Islamic principle. The study uses qualitative research mainly relying on data from the primary sources such as the Holy Quran and the Prophetic Traditions and the secondary sources such as books, internet publications, academic articles, documents and various researches related. The findings are as follows:

  1. Public mind is Muslims’ important awareness of problems arising in society, causing the desire to help society, wanting to solve crises by recognizing rights along with duties and responsibilities based on religious principle. The way of applying public minds by Muslims in society can be done through living in reality, inculcating, educating and training. These things would gradually convince the person to accept and apply awareness and public mind in his life. Therefore, many social institutions, including family institutions, educational institutions, religious institutions and mass media institutions, have to come together to create public consciousness of people in society, and;
  2. The application of the public mind in Islam requires the application of religious teachings in real life for the maximum benefit of society. Since being public minded and helping others is an Islamic virtue and goodness. Islam, therefore, calls Muslims to promote public mind and help one another in doing all goodness through sharing labor, speech, food, property, knowledge, and help one another all other worldly and religious affairs. And application of public mind starts with kindness, mutual sharing, not taking advantage of others, and giving more importance to the common interests than the personal. Therefore, applying these teachings in the field of public mind is one of the ways to help and develop the society further.



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