The Development of Learning Activities for Third-grade Students Regarding Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division: Using a Bar Model and a STAR Strategy


  • Vilaiwan Mawan Wat Devarajkunchorn School, Bangkok



development of math learning activities, math problems, bar model, STAR strategy


The objectives of this study were: 1) to develop learning activities for third-grade students regarding addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using a bar model and a STAR strategy with an 80/80 efficiency index; 2) to compare the learning achievement before and after the activities; and 3) to examine the students’ satisfaction with the activities. The sample group consisted of 16 third-grade students in the first semester of 2023 at Wat Devarajkunchorn School, Dusit District, Bangkok. Research instruments included a math activity development plan, a 20-items math achievement test with a reliability of 0.86 and a satisfaction survey. Statistics used in the study are mean (M), standard deviation (SD) and a dependent t-test. Findings indicate that: 1) the development of learning activities yields a result higher than the 82.42/82.50 efficiency index; 2) the achievement score after the activities is significantly higher than the one before the activities at .05 level; and 3) the level of satisfaction is generally at the highest level, with an average value M = 4.63, SD = 0.08

Author Biography

Vilaiwan Mawan, Wat Devarajkunchorn School, Bangkok

Teacher in Wat Devarajkunchorn School, under the Dusit District Office, Bangkok



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How to Cite

Mawan, V. (2024). The Development of Learning Activities for Third-grade Students Regarding Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division: Using a Bar Model and a STAR Strategy. An Online Journal of Education, 19(2), OJED1902007 (14 pages).