Effects of Organizing Mathematics Learning Activities Using MEAs Model on Analytical Thinking Ability of Lower Secondary Students
MEAs model, Model Eliciting Activities, Analytical thinking ability, problem-based learning (PBL), elicit, mathematical representationsAbstract
The purposes of this research were: 1) to compare the analytical thinking ability of students before and after learning through the MEAs model, and 2) to compare the analytical thinking ability of students after learning through the MEAs model to the 60 percent criterion. The subjects were obtained through purposive sampling and consisted of 33 ninth grade students from a large school in Chiang Rai. The instruments used for research included 14 lesson plans and both a pre-test and post-test on analytical thinking ability. Data were analyzed using statistical mean, standard deviation, percentage, and t-test. The results of the research revealed that: 1) the analytical thinking ability of students after learning through the MEAs model were higher than the pre–learning state at the .05 level of significance, in terms of both overall performance and in each specific aspect, and 2) the analytical thinking abilities of students after learning through the MEAs model were higher than the 60% benchmark at the .05 level of significance, both in terms of overall performance and in the matching, classification, and analysis error dimensions. However, regarding the summarizing and application dimensions, their abilities were higher than the 60% criterion yet not statistically significant.
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