A Development of Social Responsibility Indicator for Private Vocational Institutes of Business Administration


  • อัญชลี ทองประกอบ บริษัท อินเตอร์โรล (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด


Social Responsibility, Private Vocational Institutes, Business Administration


The purposes of this research were: 1) to develop the social responsibility indicator
of the private vocational institute of business administration. 2) to confirmation component
of the social responsibility indicator 3) to study of the probability of using the indicator to
measure the social responsibility for Private Vocational Institute of Business Administration.
The data were collected from Private Vocational School of Business in year 2015, used in
this study of 660 by Multistage Random Sampling Statistical analysis methods used were
frequency, a confirmatory factor analysis, Construct reliability, Average variance extracted.
The results of the study that the social responsibility indicator of private vocational
institutes. 5 areas of business management are stakeholders. Environmental, economic,
social, cultural, and voluntary. Each side has an average level of significance. And there
was consistency between performance and expectation at statistically significant level .05.
The Results of Confirmative Elements of Social Responsibility Indicators of Private
Vocational Institutes Type of Business was consistent with empirical data. And the
feasibility study on the use of indicators to measure social responsibility of Private
Vocational Institute of Business Administration. It was found that the groups with high
mean. There was a high level of social responsibility in the top 5, with the view that
sustainable development should be promoted as a result of the country’s economic
foundation. And low average groups there was two main areas of social responsibility:
social, cultural and volunteer. They have the opinion that they could visualize the activities
that they did. And promote the image of private vocational institutes.

Author Biography

อัญชลี ทองประกอบ, บริษัท อินเตอร์โรล (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด

700/685 ม.1 ต.พานทอง อ.พานทอง จ.ชลบุรี 20160


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How to Cite

ทองประกอบ อ. (2018). A Development of Social Responsibility Indicator for Private Vocational Institutes of Business Administration. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 10(1), 109–122. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bahcuojs/article/view/145028



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