A Study of the Meaning and Components of the Authentic Leadership in Thai Business


  • วิเชศ คำบุญรัตน์
  • ปิยดา สมบัติวัฒนา
  • ยุทธนา ไชยจูกุล


Authentic Leadership, Thai commercial business


A confidence crisis in leaders of overseas and Thai companies in the past has decreased
the trust of the leaders. There has studied the authentic leadership both in Thailand and foreign
countries. This research aims to study the meaning and components of the authentic leadership
in Thai business organization which comply with Thai socio-cultural context. This research is
a qualitative research that uses case study method, life history type and exploratory case study.
The research collects the data by in-depth interview with 5 key informants. The individual case
study was analyzed by the pattern matching method. The research reliability was checked by
Methodological Triangulation and reflected data back to the main data provider (Member Check).
In data analysis across the case (Cross-case analysis), the results of the study of meaning and
elements of Authentic leadership in Thai business organizations revealed that self-awareness,
relational transparency, balancing the decision-making process, internalized moral perspective,
and self and others development.


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How to Cite

คำบุญรัตน์ ว., สมบัติวัฒนา ป., & ไชยจูกุล ย. (2019). A Study of the Meaning and Components of the Authentic Leadership in Thai Business. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 11(2), 10–24. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bahcuojs/article/view/170684



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