Service Quality Assessment to Customer Satisfaction in Container Terminal


  • chompoonut amchang Faculty of Logistics, Burapha University
  • Jirapinya Yekit คณะโลจิสติกส์ มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา
  • Juthathip Suraraksa คณะโลจิสติกส์ มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา


Service Quality Assessment, Container Terminal, Customer Satisfaction, SERVQUAL Theory


The aim of the present study is to present the service quality of the container terminal by comparing expectations (E) and perceptions (P) in the perspective of customers. To improve the service quality of container terminal by using SERVQUAL model and t-test, questionnaire is a tools for collecting data from 100 customers who obtain container terminal service. The present study explores that customers are more satisfied with Tangible factors than others. Only Tangible factor (0.17) shows positive score, perceptions (P) of the service more than expectations (E). However, the service quality includes Responsiveness (-0.25), Reliability (-0.31), Assurance (-0.36) and Empathy (-0.53) should be improved. The Tangible service shows significantly different at .05 level. Both of the average of perceptions (P) and expectations (E) score in the service quality of the container terminal perform at a high level. But some factors need to be improved to increase customer satisfaction.


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How to Cite

amchang, chompoonut, Yekit , J. ., & Suraraksa, J. . . (2021). Service Quality Assessment to Customer Satisfaction in Container Terminal . Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 13(1), 58–74. Retrieved from



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