Readiness Assessment in Working: A Case Study of Undergraduate Degree in the Human Resource Management Program of Panyapiwat Institute Management


  • ณัฐนรี มลิซ้อน The Faculty of Management Science, Panyapiwat Institute of Management
  • บำรุง สาริบุตร The Faculty of Management Science, Panyapiwat Institute of Management


Work readiness, Create Assessment


The research aims to study factors affecting work readiness. Create and check the
quality of student readiness assessment tools of student in program of People and Organizational
Management of Panyapiwat Institute of Management. Determine the population and sample
groups of 39 people namely, the administrators of the institute, 1 person, lecturers in the field of
people and organizational management, 4 persons, representatives of 4 establishments and 30
undergraduate students in program of people and organization management. Data was collected
by using interview and questionnaires with the method of purposive sampling. The results were
as follows that the factors affecting the readiness were divided into 5 areas. The knowledge
was the aspect that students had the highest readiness to work. (2) Tools that are created as a
questionnaire, used to estimate 5 levels according to Likert's method. And the results of tool
quality checks by finding content validity with 5 experts more than 0.6. Cronbach’s alpha reliabily
as 0.96. And discrimination by Pearson's correlation as 0.31-0.89. The results of the research
will be used as a guideline for examination and development for students to be ready to work.

Author Biographies

ณัฐนรี มลิซ้อน, The Faculty of Management Science, Panyapiwat Institute of Management

The Faculty of Management Science, Panyapiwat Institute of Management,
85/1 Moo 2, Cheangwattana Rd., Bang-Talad, Pakkred, Nonthaburi, 11120

บำรุง สาริบุตร, The Faculty of Management Science, Panyapiwat Institute of Management

The Faculty of Management Science, Panyapiwat Institute of Management,
85/1 Moo 2, Cheangwattana Rd., Bang-Talad, Pakkred, Nonthaburi, 11120


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How to Cite

มลิซ้อน ณ., & สาริบุตร บ. (2019). Readiness Assessment in Working: A Case Study of Undergraduate Degree in the Human Resource Management Program of Panyapiwat Institute Management. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 11(1), 5–20. Retrieved from



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