Service Quality and Corporate Social Responsibility Affecting on Customer Satisfaction of Starbucks Coffee Shop at Central Plaza Phitsanulok


  • กาญจนา ทวินันท์ Kanjana Tawinunt,Montri Thammapattanukun,Sittichai Chusuwan and Sukanya Totansombat Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration, Faculty of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Phitsanulok
  • มนตรี ธรรมพัฒนากูล
  • สิทธิชัย ชูสุวรรณ์
  • สุกัญญา โตแทนสมบัติ


Service Quality, Corporate Social Responsibility, Customer Satisfaction, Coffee Shop


At present, the coffee shop is a business with a growth rate and able to generate revenue
for numerous entrepreneurs affects a more intense competition which entrepreneurs in the coffee
business have to adjust their marketing strategies to carry on with the dynamic situation. The purpose
of this research was; 1) to study the factors of service quality that affect the customers’ satisfaction
of Starbucks Coffee Shop at Central Plaza Phitsanulok and 2) to study corporate social responsibility
factors that affect customers’ satisfaction of Starbucks Coffee Shop at Central Plaza Phitsanulok. This
study was the quantitative research and questionnaires were constructed as a tool to measure the data
of the study. The data were collected from 400 consumers of Starbucks Coffee Shop at Central
Plaza Phitsanulok by convenience Sampling. The data was analyzed by percentage, mean, standard
deviation and multiple regression analysis. The results of the study found that service quality factors
which consisted of tangibility, assurance and empathy as well as corporate social responsibility
factors which included ethics, philanthropy, and environment were affected to customers’ satisfaction
at Central Plaza Phitsanulok with the significance level .05. As a result, the data from the study is
considered beneficial and can be used as a guideline in the development planning for businesses
marketing strategies as well as generating the customer satisfaction in the service and the ability in
the competitiveness of the business in the future.

Author Biography

กาญจนา ทวินันท์, Kanjana Tawinunt,Montri Thammapattanukun,Sittichai Chusuwan and Sukanya Totansombat Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration, Faculty of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Phitsanulok

Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration,
Faculty of Business Administration and Liberal Arts,
Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Phitsanulok, Thailand


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How to Cite

ทวินันท์ ก., ธรรมพัฒนากูล ม., ชูสุวรรณ์ ส., & โตแทนสมบัติ ส. (2019). Service Quality and Corporate Social Responsibility Affecting on Customer Satisfaction of Starbucks Coffee Shop at Central Plaza Phitsanulok. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 11(1), 35–54. Retrieved from



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