The Social Network Analysis of Market Potential: Lesson from Exploratory Study of Thai–China Market at Udon Thani


  • Ronnakron Kitipacharadechatron
  • Padcharee Phasuk


Market Potential, Thai-China Market Udon, Thani SNA Model


This paper aimed to study market potential in Thai–China Market at Udon Thani province by employing the Social Network Analysis Model: SNA for analyzing key factors. The survey data out of 51 observations illustrated that; entrepreneur was mostly female with age of 39 years old, bachelor’s degree of education, operation period of 6 years with mixed business operation (Wholesale & Retail).

Moreover, Moreover, the social network analysis model showed that the important internal factors including product cost, product sources, infrastructure, human capital, and market competition (Oligopoly) were outstanding effects respectively. In the other hand, the result from the social network analysis model also showed that the important external factors including exchange rate, interest rate, tariff, trade regulation, and bank service were outstanding effect respectively.


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How to Cite

Kitipacharadechatron, R., & Phasuk, P. . (2022). The Social Network Analysis of Market Potential: Lesson from Exploratory Study of Thai–China Market at Udon Thani . Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 14(1), 29–42. Retrieved from



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