Elderly people ’s use of social media for travel purpose


  • Sariya Nuchanong ็HuachiewChalermprakietUniversity
  • Puangchompoo Jones


Social media, Tourism, Elderly, Marketing


The growth of the world’s older population, including in Thailand makes the senior tourism markethuge and potential. With the easy access to internet service and technology adoption through the learning of new technologies by older adults, social media plays a vital role in customer service, marketing campaign and sale promotion for tourism industry. Social media is used by online older travelers for finding information, planning travel, booking tickets, taking photos and sharing with others. However, veryfew researcheshave been conducted to understand the pattern of Thai older people’s use of social media for travel propose.Travel business companies should realize that using social media is an effective tool to reach the seniors. All social media channels must be taken care thoroughly.Regular communication with these older adults helps to improve customer engagement and productivity because golden-aged travelers use online information from social media to make decisions to evaluate and select leisure travel destinations and share travel experiences.


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How to Cite

Nuchanong, S., & Jones, P. . (2020). Elderly people ’s use of social media for travel purpose. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 12(1), 208–222. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bahcuojs/article/view/227828



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