Risk Perception of Generation Z Tourists on Hotel and Accommodation Reservation through the Internet


  • คมสิทธิ์ เกียนวัฒนา
  • อุษณีย์ ผาสุข
  • ศรัญญา ศรีทอง
  • กฤติกา สายณะรัตร์ชัย
  • ชมพูนุท ภาณุภาส


Risk Perception, Generation Z, Hotel and Accommodation Reservation, Internet


The purposes of this study were to compare sex and domicile in terms of the risk
perception on hotel and accommodation reservation through the internet. The samples were
385 Generation Z tourists. A questionnaire was used as a survey tool and data were analyzed
statistically using the percentage, means, standard deviation, and the test value “t” (t-test) in
order to compare risk perception between male and female. One-way analysis of variance:
ANOVA was used to compare risk perception among respondents by their domicile. If the
results had been significantly different at the level 0.05 then the LSD Method would have
been employed. The results were as followed that the most significant risk perception which
affected Generation Z tourists’ hotel and accommodation reservation through the internet was
Product and service error ( –х = 3.99, S.D. = 0.81). Comparison risk perception of Generation
Z tourists’ hotel and accommodation reservation through the internet by sex and domicile, there
were no significant difference at 0.05 levels.


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How to Cite

เกียนวัฒนา ค., ผาสุข อ., ศรีทอง ศ., สายณะรัตร์ชัย ก., & ภาณุภาส ช. (2019). Risk Perception of Generation Z Tourists on Hotel and Accommodation Reservation through the Internet. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 11(2), 25–36. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bahcuojs/article/view/231086



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