Situation, Quantity, Generation Rate, and Composition of Solid Waste in Urban and Rural Communities : A Case Study of SamutSongkhram Province


  • Utid Duangphasuk
  • Viroj Jadesadalug
  • Sawanya Thammaapipon


Municipal solid waste, Waste generation rate, Waste composition, Urban community, Rural community


The research aimed of this study was to study waste situation, amount of waste, generation rate and waste composition and to compare amount of waste, generation rate and waste compositionin urban and rural area, Samut Songkhram Province. Waste situation were collected from secondary data. Amount of waste was collected with weighting, generation rate calculated from the amount of waste per day per population. Waste composition was analyzed by quatering. Compare amount of waste, generation rate and waste composition in urban and rural area with independent sample t-test.

The result found thaturban waste situation in 2013-2018 was fluctuation trend, avg. 30,951 kg./day. While rural was increase trend, avg. 8,117 kg. / day.  Amount of waste in urban and rural was 33,018.33 and 10,337.99 kg./day respectively, which is significantly different .05. Generation rate was 1.18 per/cap./day in urban and 0.37 kg. per/cap./day in rural, respectively. which is significantly different .05. Waste composition of urban and rural area, most of them is organic waste, 61.3% and 51.6% respectively, which is significantly different .05. None of hazardous waste was found in both areas. Recyclable waste of urban and ruralarea was significantly different .05. General waste does not differ.


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How to Cite

Duangphasuk, U. ., Jadesadalug , V. ., & Thammaapipon, . S. (2022). Situation, Quantity, Generation Rate, and Composition of Solid Waste in Urban and Rural Communities : A Case Study of SamutSongkhram Province. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 14(1), 43–60. Retrieved from



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