Cost and Returns on Onion Plantation of General Farmers and GAP Farmers in Don Pao and Ban Gad Sub-Districts, Mae Wang District, Chiang Mai Province


  • Theeralak Satjawathee Faculty of Accountancy and Digital Business, Payap University
  • Ruttikan Kantapuang Faculty of Accountancy and Digital Business, Payap University
  • Aiyada Kharawarattanapichet Faculty of Accountancy and Digital Business, Payap University


Cost and Return, Onion Plating, Good Agriculture Practice (GAP)


The research aims to study cost and return of general famers and GAP (Good Agriculture Practice) farmers who planted onion in Mae Wang District, Chiang Mai Province. The sample set was 256 farmers. Interviewing using questionnaires was used as a collecting method. Independent t-test were analyzed the hypotheses. Results showed that the cost of general farmers averaged at 118,628.16 baht per Rai, while the cost of GAP farmers averaged at 58,105.78 baht per Rai, indicated that general farmers’ cost was higher than GAP farmers around 60,522.38 baht, supported by the result from H01 that GAP farmers can handle costs better than general farmers.

General farmers earned an average income 48,245.48 baht per Rai, while the GAP farmers earned 52,305.50 per Rai, indicating that the GAP farmers earned income higher than the general farmer 4,060.02 baht per Rai. The H02 showed that returns of general farmers were difference from the GAP framers.


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How to Cite

Satjawathee, T. . ., Kantapuang , R. ., & Kharawarattanapichet , A. . . (2023). Cost and Returns on Onion Plantation of General Farmers and GAP Farmers in Don Pao and Ban Gad Sub-Districts, Mae Wang District, Chiang Mai Province. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 15(1), 436–455. retrieved from



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