Problems on Onion Plantation of Normal Famers and GAP Famers in Don Pao and Ban Gad Sub-Districts, Mae Wang District, Chiang Mai Province


  • Theeralak Satjawathee International College for Interdisciplinary Studies and Facultyof Business Administration, Payap University
  • Aiyada Kharawarattanapichet International College for Interdisciplinary Studies and Facultyof Business Administration, Payap University
  • Ruttikan Kantapuang International College for Interdisciplinary Studies and Facultyof Business Administration, Payap University


Problems on onion plantation, Good Agriculture Practice (GAP), Economic crops


This research aims to study problems on planting onion and compare problem levels of general farmer and GAP farmers in Don Pao and Ban Gad Sub-Districts, Mae Wang District, Chiang Mai Province. Research population was 710 farmers and the sample set was 256 farmers. Collecting method was the hybrid method using questionnaires by interviewing. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics on independent t- test were used.

Top five problems from planting onions were importing onions from abroad, high seed price, high fuel price, high supplies material price and low prices purchase from middlemen. Results on testing hypothesis revealed that general farmers have had more problem level than the GAP farmers in 6 issues, which are, debt payment, harvest cost, chemical fertilizer cost, pesticides cost, supplies price, and onion imported from aboard. These implied that the GAP farmers who have guaranteed by government sector as Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) have been able to solve these problems better than normal farmers. So, government sector should support general farmers to improve their farming procedure under the GAP rules to reduce problems in onion plantation.


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How to Cite

Satjawathee, T. . ., Kharawarattanapichet , A. . ., & Kantapuang, R. . (2022). Problems on Onion Plantation of Normal Famers and GAP Famers in Don Pao and Ban Gad Sub-Districts, Mae Wang District, Chiang Mai Province . Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 14(2), 169–188. Retrieved from



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