Transformational leadership and Constructive Organizational Culture Towards Talent Managing Capabilities In Organization.

Transformational leadership and Constructive Organizational Culture Towards Talent Managing Capabilities In Organization


  • Marissa Intharakoed บริหารธุรกิจ
  • Taninrat Rattanapongpinyo
  • Jantana Sansook Sansook


Transformational leadership, constructive organizational culture, Talent Management


A dynamic competitive environment along with the big data information technology changing cause a various type of business operation risks. The organization must adapt to the ongoing changes. One of the most adaptation is to manage the high-performance employees or also known as talent management. As a result, the talents stay with firm and highly perform their jobs according to their potential. This academic paper has two objectives: 1) is to review the concept of transformational leadership, constructive organizational culture and talent management in the organization and 2) to creative the conceptual framework of transformational leadership, constructive organizational culture and managing talents in an organization


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How to Cite

Intharakoed, M. ., Rattanapongpinyo , T. ., & Sansook, J. S. (2021). Transformational leadership and Constructive Organizational Culture Towards Talent Managing Capabilities In Organization.: Transformational leadership and Constructive Organizational Culture Towards Talent Managing Capabilities In Organization. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 13(1), 289–303. Retrieved from



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