The Relationship between Employer Brand Perception and Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as a Mediating Variable : A Case Study of a Public Utility Enterprise in Thailand


  • Watanyu Mariesirisakul School of Human Resource Development, National Institute of Development Administration
  • Kritkorn Nawakitphaitoon School of Human Resource Development, National Institute of Development Administration


Employer Brand Perception, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance


This research aimed to 1) study the relationship between employer brand perception, job satisfaction and employee performance and 2) study the role of job satisfaction as a mediator of the relationship between employer brand perception and employee performance. The data were collected from 376 employees at a public utility enterprise in Thailand using a quota randomization method. The statistic applied to analyze the data were multiple regression and hierarchical multiple regression. The results of this study showed that 1) employer brand perception was positively related to employee performance 2) employer brand perception was positively related to job satisfaction 3) job satisfaction was positively related to employee performance and 4) job satisfaction partially mediated the relationship between employer brand perception and employee performance. The findings provide insight as to how an organization can establish and implement a concrete employer brand strategy to improve employee job satisfaction and performance.


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How to Cite

Mariesirisakul , W. ., & Nawakitphaitoon, K. . (2022). The Relationship between Employer Brand Perception and Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as a Mediating Variable : A Case Study of a Public Utility Enterprise in Thailand. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 14(2), 241–260. retrieved from



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