Service Quality and Price Factors Affecting Loyalty to Transport Service Providers in Industrial Estates Entrepreneurs, Chon Buri.


  • Pattarakwan Nojakul Faculty of Management Sciences, Kasetsart University, Sriracha Campus
  • Nipa Niruttikul Nipa Niruttikul Faculty of Management Sciences, Kasetsart University, Sriracha Campus


Service Quality, Transport Price, Loyalty, Outsource Transportation Provider


The purpose of this research is to 1) To study the level of Service Quality, Price factor level and Loyalty level of industrial estate entrepreneur, Chon Buri 2) To study the Influence of Service Quality that affecting loyalty to transport service providers in industrial estates entrepreneurs, Chon Buri. 3) To study the influence of price factors that affecting loyalty to transport Service Providers in Industrial Estates Entrepreneurs, Chon Buri. This research is quantitative research and used proportional stratified random sampling, collecting the data from the entrepreneurs was 309 samples. The statistical techniques used for the data analysis were descriptive statistics and multiple regression and simple regression analysis. The results found that the Service Quality and Price factor effects to loyalty to outsource transportation provider of entrepreneur in industrial estate, Chon Buri province are at .05 the significance level. The results of the study can be used to improve the transport service providers, also helped to management strategy to increase the capacity to meet customers requirement and launch the business with more stability.


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How to Cite

Nojakul , P. ., & Nipa Niruttikul, N. N. (2023). Service Quality and Price Factors Affecting Loyalty to Transport Service Providers in Industrial Estates Entrepreneurs, Chon Buri. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 15(1), 272–289. Retrieved from



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