Factor Affecting to Exporter Competitiveness of Thai Premium Durian for Export to the China Market


  • Duangporn Puttawong Faculty of Business Administration, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi
  • Katawoot Jeambua Faculty of Management Science Silpakorn University, Petchaburi IT Campus


Competitiveness, Durian Exporter, Premium Durian, China Market


The aims of this research were to study the factors affecting the exporter competitiveness of premium durian for exporting to China market. Qualitative research methodology was used to collect the data from durian exporting entrepreneurs in Chanthaburi Province. The purposive sampling was employed and separated into sample. In-depth interviews form was built to be an instrument for gathering of the data. After that, the data were analyzed by the content analysis, as well as categorized into themes and sub-theme. Interestingly, the findings from the field study tell us that the information are appropriate to the Diamond model. Methodological Triangulation, moreover, was used to test the instrument reliability and validity.

          The results of the research revealed that the factors affecting the competitiveness of premium durian exporter consist of 6 factors which are: 1) Factor of production conditions 2) Demand conditions 3) Related and linkage industries 4) Firm strategy, organization structure and the rival 5) Government policy, and 6) Business chance. Also, the results gave us the suggestions for the exporter that they should upgrade the quality standard of premium durian. Importantly, the development of marketing strategies was required for premium durian exporter in response to competitive situation in the China market.


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How to Cite

Puttawong , D. ., & Jeambua, K. . (2023). Factor Affecting to Exporter Competitiveness of Thai Premium Durian for Export to the China Market. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 15(1), 306–325. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bahcuojs/article/view/247901



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