Different Perspectives of Transformational Leadership


  • Monthon Sorakraikitikul
  • Panyatip Wongwuttiratkul


Leadership, Transformational Leadership, Leader, Follower


This research aims (1) to study the perception of leaders ‘transformational leadership (2) to study the perception of transformational leadership of followers towards their leaders and (3) to compare the perception of transformational leadership between the leaders and the followers. Mixed methods which included of quantitative and qualitative research was employed. The data was collected from two sources, leaders, and followers, 28 people who worked in the same team. All of them worked as a human resource business partner. Data analysis consists of Mean, Standard Deviation (S.D.) and Thematic analysis.

          The results revealed that the leaders perceived a higher score on their transformational leadership than the followers. The different between leaders and followers scores emerged because the leaders did not pay attention in listening to their followers attentively. Most leaders had a strong self - esteem and insist on their own ideas. Consequently, the leaders perceived themselves from their own aspect rather than from the followers’ point of view. Furthermore, the leaders and the followers had a dissonance viewpoint of the importance of work. These all were the causes of different perspectives on transformational leadership. As a result, it might affect relationships and work efficiency in an organization.


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How to Cite

Sorakraikitikul , M. ., & Wongwuttiratkul, P. . (2022). Different Perspectives of Transformational Leadership. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 14(1), 420–434. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bahcuojs/article/view/248504



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